Can you relate to any (all) of these experiences with wellness and/or healthcare providers?
All of these are versions of statements I have heard from my gifted coaching + therapy clients over the years. While there are so many phenomenal therapists, coaches + wellness providers in the world (I truly mean that), understanding + working with giftedness is a specialization like any other in the clinical + wellness worlds. Without proper competence in the area of working with gifted clients, these sessions can stir unintended discomfort, misunderstanding, misdiagnosis and, on occasion, more gifted-related trauma for the client. Method offers gifted-specific support with trained providers through gifted coaching + the life architecture program for gifted adults, which can even be a compliment to your current meaningful therapy work that may not have gifted components. We see you in all of your complexity, intensity and creativity. Also, stay tuned for Superwell, a new directory of professionals who specialize in working with creative, gifted and/or neurodivergent individuals. 🍒Lindsey, weirdo + founder of Method Creative
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Method Blog.By Lindsey Mackereth, MA, LPCC, LADC Archives
August 2024