
Sensory Preferences Deep Dive: Fillable Inventory
8-Page PDF Download
Excellent tool to use to identify workplace accommodation requests! Also, great to use with your partner or roommate to understand each others’ sensory preferences and needs.
This list invites you to rate and explore your preferences in sensory areas that include:
- Visual environment
- Lighting
- Sounds
- Scents
- Temperature/Air Flow
- Body posture
- Touch/Proprioception
- Clothing
- + More!

Remarkable Overlap in ADHD, Autism, Giftedness & Burnout: 8 Page Resource
A resource (8-page PDF) to share with your therapist, coach, partner or medical provider to provide context around your complexity
Have you ever wondered why it seems like there is so much overlap in descriptions of Autism, ADHD, Giftedness and even burnout? Let’s dig in.
In order to show you a slice of what my brain “sees” when assessing an individual with all of these areas of complexity in mind, I have created an AUTISM, ADHD, GIFTEDNESS, BURNOUT Characteristic Overlap table of items—all known characteristics of ADHD— and:
- Identified which other areas of neurocomplexity (Autism, Giftedness) and/or burnout this item could potentially overlap and
- My reasoning as to why/how this item could be characteristic of Autism, Giftedness and/or burnout.
In other words, any time an individual endorses one of these items in an ADHD assessment, here are all of the expanded differential possibilities I am synthesizing to determine a potential diagnosis/identification/further recommendation.
This resource is a sneak peek of the table I created for you to share with your therapist, coach, partner, family, friends, or medical provider to provide context around your complexity!

Masking + Social Preferences Exploration + Checklist: 6-Page PDF
Have you been finding yourself wondering: I realize I socially mask (my traits of Autism, ADHD, Giftedness, etc.), but NOW WHAT?!
Then, this 6-page resource is for you. This checklist and experiential guide was created to help you to deepen your awareness around masking and take next steps for integrating this new information.
This resource references multiple screening tools, assessment questions, and anecdotal data on common social traits of neurodivergence as well as common signs of masking.
BONUS! Application questions for you to do a deeper dive on your own, with yourself (auto therapy), your therapist, coach, partner, or friend.
Also an excellent tool to bring to your upcoming autism or ADHD assessment!

10-Day Digital Reset Guide
Feeling over-screened? Indulge in a creative-minded 10-day digital detox + intentional digital reintroduction! This downloadable offering was designed to help neurocomplex creatives (like you!) increase mindfulness around digital use + to intentionally reset your personal digital strategy to better align with your creative process + values.
Here is what you can expect:
•Days 1-5: Guided intermittent digital fasting, digital mindset exploration questions + creative prompts.
•Days 6-10: Intentional reintroduction of social media, values aligned reintroduction process + goal setting.
14-page PDF!!
(Purchase download below!)
Can’t wait to detox with you!

3-Page Tool: Social Strategy in Neurocomplexity
3-Page PDF Download
So, you realize you are (or suspect you may be) neurocomplex—Autistic, ADHDer, and/or gifted—and are coming to grips with the fact that your social life needs some love.
- It’s too draining yet not deep enough
- You’re lonely yet over stimulated in your social situations
- You like people but can’t figure out how to have the friends you need
- All of the templates for communication and social skills are not quite created for our wiring
What do you do? Self leadership! Ok, but HOW?
- Stop trying to learn about our social and communication needs and preferences solely from traditional social and communication templates.
- Actually learn about your unique social needs and preferences as they ARE, not as you’ve been taught they should be!
This tool (!) is a great starting point to explore your social preferences as they pertain to the various social networks in your life! Download this 3-page resource here to begin this new path towards a more aligned social life!

Giftedness, Autism, ADHD, Complex PTSD & Burnout: Significant Trait Overlap: 8 Page Resource
A resource (8-page PDF) to share with your therapist, coach, partner or medical provider to provide context around your complexity
What is “Giftedness” and what are the characteristics in adults? How do these characteristics overlap with Autism, ADHD, Complex PTSD and Burnout?!
As a licensed therapist who specializes in the overlap and co-occurrence of complex areas of primary neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, Giftedness) and secondary factors (CPTSD, Burnout) in adults, I have had a front row (OK, behind closed doors) view of how these terms overlap in characteristics and/or co-occur in one individual.
I’ve recognized that ~90% of the adults I assess for Autism, ADHD and/or Giftedness have experienced at least one (usually more) episode of neurodivergent burnout, commonly linked to masking their differences at work, home or in other environments. Additionally, ~70% of the adults I assess show signs of Complex PTSD. That’s a lot of overlap.
This time, I have created a (monster of a) table that expands on published characteristics of GIFTEDNESS in adults and I:
- Identify whether each characteristic of Giftedness overlaps with characteristics of Autism, ADHD, Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and/or Burnout and
- My reasoning as to why/how this item could be a characteristic of Autism, Autism, CPTSD and/or burnout.
In other words, any time an individual endorses one of these items in a session or Gifted profiling assessment, this table depicts many of the expanded differential possibilities I am synthesizing to determine a potential diagnosis/identification/further recommendation.