Autism Screening Protocol: 5 Simple Steps
Studies show that Autistic people are up to seven times more likely to die by suicide and six times more likely to attempt suicide than the general population. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Autistic people.
To add to this complexity, highly-masked Autistics are at an increased risk of lifetime suicidality due to factors related to consciously or subconsciously hiding their true selves on a daily basis. So, even those clients who do not appear to be Autistic may be struggling with Autism and the exhaustion of masking behind the scenes, with great impact on their mental health.
With the added layer of masking, in addition to the overall lack of education most providers (medical, mental health, etc) receive on neurodivergence, it’s no wonder that many continue to feel underprepared to screen for Autism at the onset of mental health screenings and assessments in clinics and hospitals around the globe.
This must change, as lives are at stake.
What can we do?
I’m proposing that we collectively screen for Autism in all of our adult & young adult patients/clients at every mental health assessment using a simple 5-step flow chart for providers, that offers specific step-by-step guidance on:
- Which Autism-specific screenings to offer your patients/clients
- How to navigate elevated screenings with the patient/client
- What to say and what resources to offer patients/clients who are curious in more information or assessment
[Via access the 5-Step Screening Protocol for Screening for Autism in Adults]
Who can use this protocol?
Anyone who works with clients/patients in a mental health, healthcare, or health-related setting can integrate this 5-Step Protocol into their adult mental health screenings and/or assessments.
Therapists | Coaches | Psychologists | Physicians | Nurse Practitioners | Functional Medicine Providers | Social Workers | Addiction Specialists | Nurses | Admissions Staff | Acupuncturists | Integrative Health Providers | School Psychologists | & More